
Monday 17 September 2012

The Big Reveal

What I Wore: 
Dress: My handy work (Simplicty pattern 2403, Project Runway styling)
Belt: Fairweather
Shoes: The Bay
Sunnies: Metro

For those of you who read this regularly I gave a sneak peek of a project I was working on a few posts ago. Well today is the big reveal, I finally finished my dress! It actually didn't take that long once I knuckled down and worked on it, but I started it last summer and then left it when I moved for school so it seems like it took ages. I am so happy I finished it for today because I am joining in on a new link up and I think it works perfectly for the photoshoot that I did. Thanks to my lovely photographer aka Colin, the pictures turned out great! Back to business, the link up is called 25 Things Fat People Shouldn't Do and was started by the lovely Jes over at The Militant Baker. The task for today was to take pictures of yourself on a swing because apparently the internet has deemed this an activity that fat people shouldn't do. To learn more about the link up feel free to check out the links above. It was super fun to take these photos and I think I am going to strive to take more outdoor pictures for outfit posts in the future. This is also a really great link up and I am excited to participate in this in the future! Without further ado, here are some of the pictures from the shoot.


I thought it would be fun to take some more pictures around the park, so here are some of me on the slide as well.

Afterwards I decided it was time for my wild mane to get cut, haha mane, there are horses on my dress, haha. I'm awesome. I found a great haircut last week and kept coming back to it so I decided it was the one. Pictures to come on Wednesday. That's all for now folks, go and check out Jes' blog!


  1. Hey Hope,
    I really like these photos! In particular, the 3rd one and the last one, I think you look great. (And I don't really know how people are supposed to look bad when they are swinging and having fun).
    Excited to see your new haircut!

    1. Thanks, Colin is becoming quite the photographer, haha! It was a lot of fun, I forgot how much fun swinging is really. People on the internet (and in general) are just jerks sometimes.
      If all goes as planned the hair will be revealed tomorrow :D

  2. I love this:) thanks for participating and I can't wait to see more of yours! PS. that dress is stunning on you:)

    1. Thanks! I had a lot of fun doing it, I am excited for the upcoming weeks. And thank you, I am quite pleased with how it turned out (you can never really tell when making things from patterns until you have finished it).

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's actually horses, I should have posted a close up shot my bad :( But You can see the print better in this post
