
Friday 14 September 2012


What I Wore:
Shirt: Fairweather
Tank: Suzy Shier
Vest: Smart Set
Pants: Smart Set
Shoes: Spring
Necklace: Gift from a friend
Size: 14

I have lots to share with you all today. First of all it is link up time again so I encourage you all to trundle over to The Nearsighted Owl and give Rachele a visit. Lots of lovely people are still participating in it and it seems like there are new faces almost every week. I am so lucky to have started blogging just as this was beginning. I have met some great bloggers through this link up and have more confidence in myself and my own blog.

Next I must put in a plug for a project that I helped (a tiny bit) with during my internship over the summer. Yesterday was the official launch of NovaMuse, an online collections website featuring the collections of 51 museum and archives from Nova Scotia! The Association of Nova Scotia Museums launched the site at their annual conference which was held yesterday and today. I interned with them over the summer photographing textile pieces from the member museums. Sadly I could not be there for the launch, but I have been giving them my support. If anyone in interested in checking out some of the work that I did over the summer them click on the link above > go to Browse > select Categories (it might take a minute to load) > select the arrow beside Personal Artifact > and then click on Clothing. There are a lot of records in this section so if you want to get more specific you can choose one of the sub-categories. Most of the pieces are photographed are in the Main Garment section. Almost all of the pictures of items on mannequins were things that I photographed over the summer. I am excited to see this come to fruition and I really hope that people understand how much work went into the creation of this site. It is going to be such an amazing resource! I encourage you to check out Karin's blog for more information about the Association.

Last but not least today Colin and I headed down to James St. N. for Supercrawl. The second Friday of every month the galleries on James open to the public and people wander up and down the street checking out the displays. There are usually some vendors and buskers as well. That is the regular Art Crawl. Every September they have a two day event that is extra special with tons of vendors, live performances, and gallery shows.

We grabbed some delicious falafels at Vida La Pita and headed down to check out one of our favourite performers Wax Mannequin. We ran into some old friends that we haven't seen in a while, and they joined us for the performance. As usual Wax put on a great show.

Just in case you were wondering, yes that is a candle on his head. He is probably best known for his song The Price which actually had a fair amount of play time on Much Music a few years ago. He's an amazing musician and a great Hamilton gem. We plan on heading back tomorrow afternoon to check out B.A. Johnston, another Hamiltonian. He has a very different style, but is very amusing. My favourite song of his is probably You Will Miss Me When The Zombies Come

It was nice to have a busy day after a few weeks of being pretty sedate. I like to feel like I have accomplished something with my day, and I definitely felt like that today. One last shameless plug, check out NovaMuse


  1. Your outfit is really cute! I love the vest & the shoes & that incredible necklace! I think it was such an inspired idea for Rachele to start I'm Proud of My Size. I've met so many new bloggers, and it's amazing to see so many women all confident in themselves.

    1. Thanks! Isn't the octopus cute! You probably guessed from my banner that those are my favourite shoes, I will be so sad when they finally crap out. Rachele is definitely an inspiration, I think everyone should read her blog. It has been a great way to "meet" new bloggers for me too. It is an amazing feeling to read about so many women being comfortable in their own skin. I have come miles myself after starting this link up. Thanks for reading!
