
Friday 15 November 2013

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

What I Wore:
Shirt: Oblige
Skirt: Made by me (no pattern)
Tights: Joe Fresh
Socks: Spring
Boots: Golden Ponies

I have been really enjoying skater skirts lately. I made that black one that I wear on here a lot (too much?)  a while ago and have since made two more, this blue one and a nice grey one. I have recently been buying up remnants and making super quick skirts with them too. Usually I am not into suede, but this particular group of suede was was very soft and light and I absolutely loved the colour. I love the way red and blue look together, so very nautical. I'm not sure why but I also kind of felt like a super hero in this outfit. Yup.

Planning the move has been going along at a good pace so far. We have a date picked that works for everyone, we have a truck booked, and our electricity should be set up for us when we get there. I was extremely shocked and annoyed when I found out that they charge you a deposit fee on top of the installation fee when you set up a new electricity account. I mean I figured they would charge you an installation, fee, but a deposit too? They wanted us to pay $240 if we couldn't get a letter of reference from the people we used in Halifax. Luckily Nova Scotia Power had us on file still and we were just under the cut off date to use them *phew*. I feel like everybody wants to charge you for anything they can these days. We still have to set up the internet and then the place is all set for us to move in. Now we just need to start collecting boxes from our respective work places and actually pack. I really hate packing, and we are amalgamating two households, but we still have three weeks so I am going to take my time. I get stressed out so easily, I need to make sure I just relax and hopefully the actual day will go smoothly. Does anyone have any moving tips and or tricks to share?

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