
Monday 23 September 2013

Quarter Century

What I Wore:
Dress: Made by me (no pattern)
Cardi: Thrifted (Talize)
Tights: Target
Shoes: B.A.I.T c/o Cut Out + Keep

The perfect fall outfit for the perfect fall day. The perfect day. Today is my birthday! Today I turn 25! I am a quarter of a century. I know a lot of  people would be experiencing a quarter life crisis right now, but I am happy to say this is not the case for me. 24 was not a great year (which most of you probably know if you have been around here for a while), so I guess I kind of experienced that one a bit early. Luckily 25 is definitely looking great. I have a second job in my field, Colin has a second job, we might finally have our own place, everyone is healthy including our pets, I really can't complain. Everything is turning up Millhouse! Even Google is wishing me a happy birthday!

Today I have to work, but over the weekend I had a fancy dress potluck on Saturday and dinner with my immediate family, aunt and cousin on Sunday. It was a been good weekend (sadly I had no time to take pictures, worst blogger ever!). Happy Monday and happy fall everyone!!!


  1. Thanks Lucy! I did! My parents got me an external hard drive, which I have been thinking about getting for ages. Colin bought me some shoes from Golden Ponies, and this super cute rabbit brooch from etsy which I have been lusting after for months. I am so excited for them to arrive :D

  2. Oh awesome! I can't wait to see the shoes and the brooch!! x
