
Wednesday 17 July 2013

Teal Polka Dots & A Vintage Bench

What I Wore:
Dress: Zellers
Headscarf: Thrifted (Goodwill)
Necklace/Earrings/Shoes: Target

It has been way too hot the last few days to do any outdoor outfit pictures so I decided to try my hand at a new location indoors. This is my new closet/sewing room in Colin's dad's house, and I am totally in love with it. The space is really amazing, it has a great set up for storing my clothing, jewellery, shoes etc. I really liek this little bench, which actually sits under a mirror to the left of where the pictures were taken. It is so cute and vintage I thought it went well with this outfit. On the other side of the room I have all my sewing supplies, my machine and my serger. It is nice to have such a bright open space to work in. I know I mentioned this a bit in my last post but I am really excited about it and felt the need to share again (especially since there are pictures this time). 

Today is shaping up to be a good one. I am going to see a friend about volunteering at the museum she works in. I haven't been able to do much museum related work since I graduated so it will be nice to get back into the swing of things. I miss working closely with collections so hopefully I can help her out and get some more experience at the same time. Tonight is a D&D night, my character's story line has took a really interesting turn last week so I am excited to see where that leads to. I hope you guys have some fun stuff to look forward to on this hot Wednesday in July. 


  1. This is an adorable post Hope, love the closet space.

  2. Thanks Madeline! The closet is pretty amazing. Plus the air conditioner is in that room, so bonus!

  3. Those shoes!!! LOVE! Is this the sort of museum that has dinosaurs? Because if so, I must insist of copious amount of photos :) ALSO! I am sewing my first skirt on the weekend. I am both scared and excited at the same time.

  4. Thanks Lucy!

    Sadly it is not a dinosaur museum, that would be awesome. It has to do with a hospital, which is still pretty interesting.

    Good luck on your skirt project! I am sure it is going to be awesome and I expect pictures on your blog!

  5. Those shoes are great and I like how they match your head scarf.
    Nice outfit as always!

    1. Thanks Kym! Target can be pretty awesome sometimes. I am happy it came to Canada. The scarf shoe match was intentional, I like matching accessories haha :)

  6. Love it!
    By the way, do you want any fabric from Africa? Gorgeous patterns but the quality is not great.

    1. Thanks Maya! Oh my gosh yes! Do you even have to ask?! We get a lot of women at work who are from Africa and they always have such beautiful clothing. How is your work trip going? We need to skype soon.

  7. Hey there! Just found your blog via the Nearsighted Owl. Love meeting another museum person (though I am working in libraries now)! What's your background? Hope you manage to get a sweet volunteer job!

  8. That's weird, I totally replied to this and it isn't showing up at all! I think I said that the matching was planned, I like matching accessories! Thanks Kym :)

  9. This is annoying, I totally replied to this and it isn't showing up, guh. I said something along the lines of "do you even need to ask?!" I would love fabric from there. All these women come in to work that are from Africa and they have such beautiful clothing.

  10. Isn't Rachele awesome?! My undergrad is in Costume Studies (I love historical clothing) and I have a post-grad in Museum Studies. Libraries are pretty awesome, if I did it again I might go for that instead haha! So far the volunteering is fun, I get to be involved and help out a friend so it's win win :)

  11. I love historical clothing too! Could spend all day drooling over the OMG That Dress tumblr. What a cool thing to study. I did art history with a concentration in medieval history (I was in Scotland and the medieval history department was in a 14th century building, so it seemed like a good idea).

  12. Mmm clothing. Your major sounds pretty awesome too. I wish I had studied in a medieval building in Scotland! hot diggity daffodil.
