
Friday 3 May 2013

Hopping Around

What I Wore:
Dress: Made by me from this pattern
Cardi: Thrifted
Belt: Fairweather
Shoes: c/o Cut Out + Keep by  B.A.I.T 

 This is what I wore to the CreativFestival on Monday, it seemed like an appropriate venue to wear something that I had made. Not that everyday isn't an appropriate occasion, but you know how it is, I like to dress in themes. When I got home from the festival I decided it was the perfect day (one of the first nice ones we have had all spring) to take Luna out on her new harness. I bought it a couple of weeks ago but haven't really had a chance to take her out with it. From the few tests runs we have done since I think we probably won't ever leave the back yard and go for a proper walk. She doesn't really move around too much and I think it would be a futile effort to try and make her actually walk hop. It's probably for the best anyway because Colin thinks I would look like a crazy rabbit lady walking her down the street. Is that really a bad thing? I probably am one already anyway.

I've got quite the crazy weekend coming up. I volunteering for Doors Open both days, which is going to be fun but super busy. Wish me luck and happy Friday! I'll leave you with some cute pictures of Luna.



  1. what a sweet bunny! lovely! i wanted a white bunny for my 18bday but i decided- i haven't time for its :(
    amazing outfit, mix of white, black & red is fantastic! i love dress!

    ANECIA WAS HERE- more than passion ♥
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    1. She is super cute but can be a pain in the butt sometimes. She is pretty easy to take care of though. Just feed her twice a day, let her out to hop about, and give her lots of pets! You should get a bunny if you can at some point, they are great pets.
      Thanks! I love red white and black together :)

  2. I tried to take Major Tom for a walk with a harness once, he did ok, until we got to a puddle. Then he stopped, looked at me, then at the puddle, then and me again, and I knew I would have to carry him back to the house! He much prefers just following me around the house :) Bunnies are wonderful little creatures!

    1. Hee hee, too cute. He was probably like "Mum if you think I am going in that puddle you are crazy." I wish I could let Luna hop around the house but she gets into things when I am not looking, plus there are too many stairs. I let her out upstairs and kind of block off danger zones. It's nice to be able to take her out in the yard for a bit of a change. Bunnies are the bestest pets!

  3. That dress turned out wonderful! You have an eye for patterns. I made a shirt last summer, and it looked awful-- so I got really discouraged. But, for Christmas I got a new sewing machine... So I will try again. Probably one of the patterns I've seen on your blog.

    And your bunny in it harness is so cute. I used to have a bunny, she was a Flemish giant, and she weight 40 lbs! No harness for her!


    1. Thank you! Patterns can be fussy sometimes. I find that Simplicity works the best for me, but it all depends on the person. My friend rellies entirely on Kwik Sew, and other people love McCall's or Vofue or whatever. You have to find what works best for you. I always have to shorten the back waist on things a bit, but generally it fits perfectly. Once you find your niche you'll be sewing up a storm in no time!

      Oh my gosh that's a huge rabbit! I have never seen one in person, but they look big in pictures. Definitely not harness appropriate! What was her name?
