
Friday 12 April 2013

Life Saver

What I Wore:
Shirt: Vintage (stole from my mum)
Cardi: Smart Set
Skirt: Made by moi
Tights: Ardene
Shoes: Spring

What can I say about this outfit? I guess a lot of my clothing really is nautical themed. I might have mentioned it before, but this shirt used to be my mum's and I always coveted it. She was cleaning out her closet a while ago and finally decided to hand it over to me. She always takes stuff from me when I clean out my closet, so it only seems fair that it should work the other way. I am very pleased with how this skirt turned out. I haven't worked on draping a circle skirt since I learned how to do them at school, so I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly the technique came back to me. Plus, circle skirts are super fun to spin around in so that's cool too! I basically made this in two nights, which is also pretty exciting. I figured out how to put elastic on with my serger, and how to use an elastic for a waistband too. Overall I was just really pleased with myself for taking on a bit of a challenge and completing it successfully. I think I need to work on challenging myself with my sewing more in the future.

I have been debating sharing the following on here for the last week but I feel that it is the right time to do so. I apologize for the lack of post yesterday but I am going to be forthright and say that things have not been going smoothly lately. Both of my mother's parents (my grandparents) are in hospital in different places in Ontario for different reason, and the last few days have been very hard. It was very touch and go for a while there and I don't know how my mum and her siblings have been handling things so well. Luckily we received good prognosis news yesterday and they are both slowly improving. I am not sure how much I will be able to post over the next few weeks as we might be travelling back and forth for the next while. I guess I will just play it by ear. I am hoping that they continue to improve and everything turns out all right.  


  1. I love this top! Nautical themes are my favorite!

    1. Me too! That's why I stole it from my mum, haha! Anything nautical is the best.

  2. you look super cute <3 i love your top :)
