
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Saddlle Shoe Dreams

What I Wore: 
Dress: Zellers
Cardi: Thrifted (Goodwill)
Tights: H&M
Shoes: Payless
Brooch: Thirfted (Goodwill) 

Can I just say how much I am in love with these shoes? They actually have quite the story behind them, which seems to be a theme with most of my shoes/clothes. I have wanted a pair of saddle shoes since my sister had a pair when we were little. Alas I was never able to find any and my forced to live without them and my dreams fell by the wayside. Fast forward to the fall of 2011 when I began to be more comfortable dressing more to my personal tastes and I started to think about making my own blog. I remembered my early desire for a pair of saddle shoes and I began the hunt again. I discovered that there were a few sites online that sold the shoes, but they were mostly American and some of them didn't ship to Canada (or it was ridiculously expensive). I noticed that Payless sold them too, but only in America. I was a little sad, but I figured maybe at some point I would be able to go over the border and pick up a pair. We don't live that far away from Niagara Falls, so it seemed like a reasonable possibility. 

Time passed and I still hadn't acquired a pair of saddle shoes (keep in mind I was also checking out thrift/vintage stores and other shoe stores for pairs as well). In the fall my aunt was planning her retirement and invited us to come and visit her in the house she was going to rent in Florida. I was excited for numerous reasons a) I have never been to Florida, b) we were going to go to Harry Potter World, c) it would be nice to visit my aunt and d) this might be my chance to finally get my coveted shoes. Once we were in Florida I checked out the Payless and discovered that the shoes were only available as an online order. Luckily my aunt was willing to pick them up from the store since they wouldn't arrive until after we had left for home. Problem solved! The story isn't over yet though. I paid for the shoes and the store placed the order. Sadly it was discovered when I was laid over in Washington for 8 hours that the shoes could not in fact be shipped to the store, they had to be ordered online and shipped to a house. I was not informed of this at the time as I was already pretty grumpy from being shuttled back and forth at the airport. The whole ordeal was settled by my sister and aunt going online and ordering a pair to be shipped to her house in Florida. They arrived after my parents had left so they had to come back with my aunt in early March. To make a ridiculously long winded story short, my aunt got back on the 1st, dropped off the shoes on the 2nd and I of course immediately tried them on and wore them the next day. They fit like a dream and are super comfortable. They even look better in person than they do in the picture online, so it's win win all around. I couldn't be happier! They were definitely worth the wait.     

I felt like I was ready to go to a sock hop in this outfit. It was super fun to wear and I really didn't want to take it off at the end of the day. I found the cardi and the brooch in Florida as well. They all just went together so well, it was perfect. You are going to be seeing a lot of these shoes in the future, I can guarantee it.


  1. I love, love, love this outfit! I am also on the look out for a pair of saddle shoes, they are so amazing! You look great! x

    1. Thank you! They are super amazing but apparently ridiculously hard to find. Your best bet might be to order them online (although the shipping to Australia might be outrageous). I would still love to find a vintage pair though. Good luck in your hunt and keep me posted!!!

  2. Great shoes, and a good story too! I'm so glad you got them (finally).

    1. Thank you! Yeah, it was a pretty crazy series of events but it made for an entertaining blog post that's for sure. Me too!

  3. AIGH! I love this. It's just too much cute:)
