
Wednesday 20 February 2013

Mini Skirts And How To Be A Fat Bitch e-course Week #3

What I Wore:
Coat: Winners
Hat and Gloves: Gifts from a friend
Scarf: Gift from a friend
Brooch: Thrifted (Value Village)
Bag: Gift from Colin
Dress: Bealls
Sweater: Zellers (?)
Tights: Dollorama
Socks: Ardene
Shoes: Spring
Brooch: Thriffted (Goodwill)

This is probably the longest What I Wore list I have ever posted, it is pretty lengthy. Totally worth it though because I am pretty sure this is my favourite outfit of the year so far, hands down. I got this dress during our trip to Florida, another Bealls find. I liked it's "colour" scheme (or lack of colour rather), the print, and of course the collar. It seems like a lot of the items from the trip I purchased because of the collar, haha! I like my pairing of the light blue and black and white too, I always think that black and white look good with a bright colour. I love the gold brooch paired with the blue too. I don't usually like gold jewelry,  but this one spoke to me for some reason. The whole outfit kind of gives off a sixties vibe, and I totally dig it. Which kind of segues into my next point.

Along with this outfit I am going to talk about my assignment for the How To Be  A Fat Bitch e-course that I have been participating in over on Rachele's blog. The assignment for this week was to wear something that "you might have felt weary about in the past". The dress is my item. Before I would have looked at it in the store and thought "Wow, that dress is really cute, but it is way too short for me!" I have always loved the style of the sixties, with it's bold prints, go-go boots and short skirts, but I never thought I could pull it off because of my shape. Lately though I have really been saying "eff that" and wearing whatever makes me feel good and happy. I was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone wearing something so short, but you know what? I am glad I decided to buy this dress, and I am proud that I actually wore it in public in front of a lot of people because I felt great and I felt like I was truly expressing myself with my style. I have finally started to buy clothes because I like them and I don't feel stuck within certain style parameters anymore. Sometimes I feel like I wasted so much time dressing how I thought I should instead of how I am wanted to. But that won't happen anymore. Since I started this blog I have also been working hard at #3 on Rachele's list; accepting your size, becoming familiar and comfortable with it. I have come a long way with this one, I rarely have bad days now, and I think wearing what I want has contributed to this. When I came home from Halifax I also worked on #4; getting rid of things that don't fit. I was definitely guilty of this one big time. I kept quite a few pairs of pants to wear for when I got smaller. That day never came and I have been lugging several pairs of pants and some other items around for a while now. Yes they were nice, but it's not like I can't get nice things now, and I feel a lot healthier after having purged those items. All of the things on Rachele's list really go hand in had with each other. I think probably the biggest thing for me was accepting myself first though, and then I was able to move on to the other things and develop my style. I am proud of myself, and I will never walk away from a great dress/skirt again because "it is a little too short." I expect to wear many more mini-dresses in the future!      

P.S. The first few pictures were taken during a walk with my family on Monday (Family Day here in Ontario). It was way too cold to take any pictures without my coat on, but I thought the ones I did get were nice. In case you were wondering the brooch on my coat is the one from the toilet incident that I wrote about  here.    


  1. I love the combination of the blue with the b&w print, and those shoes! It's so great that you're taking on the challenges of this course. Sounds like it's building really well on things you were already doing.

    1. Thank you! These are my favourite shoes, they are kind of falling apart but I love them too much to part with (I already had the heel replaced once). The course is really great, I am sad that Rachele is taking a bit of a break and won't be doing the course for a while, but she totally deserves it.
