
Friday 25 January 2013

Vintage Button Collage

What I Wore:
Dress: Thrifted (Talize)
Cardi: Thrifted (Value Village)
Leggings: Suzy Shier
Socks: Spring
Boots: Payless (ageeeeesss ago)

The minute I spotted this dress I knew it had to be mine! Do you ever just see something in the store and know that you have to own it? It was definitely love at first sight. I loved the cut of it (there is a keyhole cut out of the back which you can't see here, but I will show another time), the fact that it was made in Canada, and the awesome button details that the previous owner obviously added. The buttons are my favourite part for sure. They are all really unique, and the one with the school bus is actually a pin. If I had to choose a favourite though I think it would be the floral one, it is very retro and kind of grandma-y. It looks like it should be a wallpaper print in someone's kitchen in the 1950s. I love it.

I have some exciting news to announce that I have been withholding for a few weeks now. The first week of February my family and I are going on a trip to Florida to Universal Studios and Harry Potter World!!!! I am soooooooooooo excited, I can't even express how much really. I absolutely love Harry Potter and I cannot wait to tour around that section of the park. We are also going to visit my Aunt, do some shopping (of course), and possibly go to New Orleans which is also really exciting. I was waiting until it got closer to the date to announce this, and now seems like the perfect time. What does this mean for the blog you might ask? Well, I am going to type up some posts in advance and schedule them so that there will still be content that week. I have been trying to work on a special post, but I kind of need snow (or would prefer to have snow) for it to be really awesome so I will have to wait and see on that one. But yeah, that's my news and I really can't wait to go! I am amazed that I kept it a secret for so long. Has anyone else been there before? Is it as awesome as I am hoping it will be?


  1. That is so cool! I love decorating with buttons. And that cardigan is such a great colour too. Enjoy planning the upcoming trip, it sounds awesome.

  2. Thanks! After seeing this dress I have been cooking up some ideas on how to use some of the interesting buttons I have in my collection. I've always really loved buttons for some reason. I bought this cardigan for a Veronica (from Archie comics) costume a few years ago and it sort of wormed its way into my regular wardrobe.

    I am no good at trip planning, my sister is doing most of the work since she studied that in's handy having her around. I have been trying to sneek in ideas though, haha.
