
Monday 21 January 2013

Mad(e) for Cardigans

What I Wore: 
Shirt: Zellers
Cardi: Thrifted
Skirt: Smart Set
Leggings: Suzy Shier
Socks: Ardene
Belt: Reitmans
Boots: Payless (ages and ages ago)

I must say I am really enjoying taking my outfit pictures in advance. Not only does it mean I have some ready in advance, and I can schedule posts (particularly great if I am sick), but it also means that I can appreciate my outfits a little more. It gives me a new perspective, looking back at what I wore a few days ago while I am typing up the post. I guess it could also be a bad thing if I decide that I don't really like what I wore (it has happened before) but luckily that was not the case with this outfit. Looking at these pictures I have realised again how much I love this sweater. I bought it a few years ago while on a thrifting trip with some friends. I wasn't really into cardigans then as much as I am now, but I think this one kind of set of a new thought process along the lines of "hey, you should buy more cardigans since they are awesome." I think I ended up buying another one later that day at the mall, and I haven't looked back since. Just in case you needed confirmation that I am a little crazy, I am pretty sure I just confirmed it.

Luna was staring at me while I was taking these pictures, that obviously meant that she wanted me to pick her up and take some pictures with her, right? Totally. So enjoy some gratuitous pictures of a cute rabbit, hopefully they will brighten your day a bit  :)


  1. Bunny rabbits are the perfect accessory to any outfit!

  2. I really love this outfit! I like the cardigan, and the sweater, and the jean skirt, and the socks over leggings, and ... you get the idea.
    I never thought about putting socks over leggings, especially with big clunky winter boots this is a good idea or else your leggings/ tights can get icky if they get wet. Hmm - will do this soon!
    Glad to see you are doing well :)

    1. Haha, thanks! Me too, the cardigan is my favourite. Lately I have been wearing a lot of socks over leggings/tights. It's comfy, toasty and looks pretty darn cute. You should try it out! I hope you are well :)
