
Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas

What I Wore:
Dress: Black Market (altered by me)
Cardi: Smart Set
Leggings: Sirens
Shoes: The Bay

I bought this dress on my trip to Toronto last week. It had these weird sleeves on it and the belt was missing. I liked the collar and hem a lot though so I decided to bring it home and alter it a bit. The friend I was shopping with suggested I remove the sleeves since that was what made it look off. Following her suggestions I took off the sleeves and made the belt out them. I think it turned out really well, I am quite pleased with it actually. I took some step-by-step pictures while I was working on it in case anyone is interested in re-vamping one of their dresses. I will put that post up either later today or tomorrow. 

I wore this dress out this afternoon for my mum's birthday lunch. We always go to this Chinese food buffet place in Burlington called Foo Ho. It is a little hit and miss sometimes, but the food was excellent today. We also see this lady every year who has her birthday there too and she was turning 93 this year! You wouldn't know it from looking at her too, she is very spry for her age. I hope I am that awesome when I am older. We all had a good time just chatting and eating and my mum opened her birthday gifts. We always make sure to buy her birthday and Christmas presents because she totally got ripped off as a child. We never give her Christmas bags of wrapping either, just to be extra safe. 

I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season. Merry Ho Ho as Colin would say!     


  1. It turned out amazing!!! Great job, you look great!!!

    1. Agreed! Saw the other post where you altered it and it turned out great, looks really good on you!

    2. Thanks Maya, I am really pleased with the results. It has been a while since I have done any alterations on things.

  2. What an AWESOME job you did with the revamp! I started following your blog from Rachele's over at the Nearsighted Owl when I saw we were both the same size! I have been buying vintage dresses online and have a huge basket of "need to alter" bargains I've been collecting. I actually just got a bit of spare time and fixed three of them by changing buttons, shortening ugly too short sleeves, removing shoulder pads (oh my), and I even brought the waist up of one of the dresses by a good 3 inches! I wish I had taken more pictures of them so show off how I did it like you did, but I'm glad to see your dress turned out so well! Love the belt idea too! Good work!

    1. Thanks Kate! I started following yours too, I love the stuff in your Etsy shop :D especially the button earins, so cute. I used to do a lot more alterations, after this one I think I should get back into it again. It sounds like you have a lot to catch up on, but you have also been busy! Aren't shoulder pads the worst? You should post some of the finish products on your blog. From what I've seen you have great style :) Thank you! Merry Christmas!
