
Saturday 11 August 2012

Boatin' Around

What I Wore:
Shirt: Suzy Shier
Skirt: Smart Set
Shoes: ??

I intended on posting this yesterday, but I crashed when we got home. That's because last night the friend we were cat sitting for took us out to dinner at one of our favourite restaurants Star Anise. It turns out that she had also planned to take us out for a cruise around the harbour on the tall ship Silva! She had a friend that worked on the boat so we got on for free with crew passes. It was pretty packed, there was a live band and people dancing and drinking, but we had a good time. This is the first real time I have used my camera at night, and the pictures turned out really well. Would have been better with a tripod, but hey. Here are some pictured from our trip around the harbour:

Ship before it was full of people 

Macdonald Bridge 


  1. That is soo cool!! Great outfit AND great photos.

    1. It was pretty awesome, I am really glad we got to go. I am trying to branch out with my clothes so that was a new combination :D and thanks, it's too bad the photos are a little dark on here but it was night time.

  2. oh wow, those pictures are so amazing!
    would you like to follow each other?
