
Wednesday 15 August 2012

Alex's Birthday Bash

Today was my good friend Alex's birthday, you can check out her blog here . I met her in my first year of Costume Studies at Dalhousie and we have been friends ever since. She ended up going to NSCAD after first year, but we stayed close throughout all of school. It was really nice to be able to hang out with her again this summer. A few of us headed over to her house for a potluck/buffet style dinner. There were some restrictions on what we could bring so I decided to make the first corn on the cob recipe from Elsie's blog.

Prepping the limes

Into the oven 

Finished product, including garnish

It turned out pretty well and everyone seemed to enjoy it, I definitely want to try out the other two recipes. 
there was lots of delicious food and fun times to be had by all.

Also, there was this weird spoon. If you can't read it it says "You're Pregnant." Apparently it was left on my friend's porch (before she lived there) with three lifesavers sitting in it. No one knows where it came from, so weird! 

Me and the birthday girl! 
(please excuse the tensor bandage)

What I Wore:
Dress: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Broach: Dealer booth at FanExpo
Shoes: ???
Size: 14

Time for another I Am Proud of My Size link-up. Follow the link below for more information about the project and the lovely Rachele over at The Nearsighted Owl.

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