
Monday 11 June 2012

Sushi For Three

New polish matches the earrings (oddly unintentional) 
Close up of tights as they were hard to make out 

Chi broach

What I Wore:
Sweater: Zellers
Dress: Old Navy
Tights: Can't recall
Broach: Handmade from a convention
Earrings: Gift from my cousin 

Tonight I got to go out for a sushi dinner and catch up with two friends from university. We were meant to go to I Love Sushi (a great sushi place in Halifax) but it was closed! We had to go over to Minato Sushi instead. It was still a great meal, I tried their dragon roll (tempura shrimp and bbq eel topped with avacado, yum!), but it's just not the same when you had one place in mind and have to switch to another. At least I get like that with food. Anyway, It was great to hear what everyone had been up to over the past year, we stayed way after we had finished eating just chatting.  

Didn't do much else today. People were still sick at work so it was a bit of a sloooowww day. At least my project is coming along quite well. I am looking forward to Wednesday though because I have potentially (I say potentially because I am a little skeptical, it seemed too easy) won tickets to the premier of Moonrise Kingdom here in Halifax. I have been wanting to see this movie for a while, so I am super hoping that the tickets are legit. Guess we'll find out on Wednesday! 

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