
Thursday 28 June 2012

Houndstooth Happenings

What I Wore:
Sweater: Zellers
Tank: Suzy Shier
Skirt: Smart Set
Tights: Zellers
Shoes: Blowfish
Broach: small knitting shop in New Brunswick, hand crafted 

I am really pleased with how these shots turned out, the light was perfect when we were taking them. I intended to do a post yesterday, but it just didn't happen. One of our friends moved to B.C. today and we had a little goodbye supper yesterday, which was a little more important. He made some dough and brought some fixins' for us to make pizza, which was delicious. We hung out and watched the Fawlty Towers German episode and the boys played some Halo. I'm not much of a first person shooter type, I prefer role playing and adventure games. I think my favourite is probably the Fable series. Anyway, tangent aside we are going to miss our buddy but hope he has a great time in B.C.

I have begun job hunting for September, which is looming ever closer. I am not really sure what is going to happen. I have been in school for forever, so not going back to school is going to be sooooo weird. What I do know is that becoming an adult is scary and I intend to entertain my inner child as much as possible.

In the meantime my internship is going really well and I am enjoying being in Halifax again. 


  1. Hope - my favourite outfit so far! You look super cute.

    1. Thanks! I have only ever worn that sweater with this one dress so it is nice to experiment sometimes.

  2. Tres cute. And you'll find a great job I am sure, I'll keep a look out for you.

    1. Thanks! And hopefully. I have applied to a few things but it is kind of slim pickings. If you find anything feel free to send it my way.
