
Saturday 28 June 2014

Ravenclaw Perfect Prefect

What I Wore:
Shirt: Target
Necktie: Clothing Swapped
Brooch: Universal Studios
Pants: Joe Fresh
Shoes: Ardene

Sorry for the crappy picture quality. I decided to test out taking pictures in our room again and the lighting in there is just terrible. I really prefer outdoor shoots but it is not always possible. Speaking of which, that is why I have not posted in a while either. My schedule has been insane again and I have had no free time to take outfit pictures or blog. I have barley had time to keep our apartment respectable (it wasn't for at least a week hahaha *embarrassed*) let alone go on the internet. Between working both jobs, making costumes for one, and making a dress for someone else and my Etsy shop there has been little relaxation time. Next month should be a little bit slower and I am taking some time off for our anniversary next week and then again in August to go up to my Aunt's cottage like we do every summer. I am excited for the cottage because I ordered some fatkini bottoms from ModCloth and now I just need to find some time to make the top section so I can wow everyone on the beach. I copied this awesome vintage bra top pattern from a friend and I want to make all the bra tops. All! 

In other news I finally made a Pottermore account and took the house placement test. I was always certain I would either be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, and it's official now I am a Ravenclaw. I am pleased by this. The description of the people who get placed in that house on the site made me laugh and was really quite apt. My favourite part was when it talked about how they let people in that house dress however they want and that they are often labelled as eccentrics. Luna Lovegood was always my favourite character in the series too, so I am feeling pleased with myself. In honour of taking the test Ia m posting my Ravenclaw themed outfit. I actually wore this yesterday and took the test today but *shhhh* no one needs to know. I am in love with how this look turned out even if the pictures are crappy. Conclusions: I am a nerd, I love Harry Potter, I still need to wear more lady ties.  

Saturday 7 June 2014

Happy 2nd Blogoversary! Say What?!

What I Wore:
Shirt: Thrifted
Skirt: Made by me (no pattern)
Shoes: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Necklace: Black Market (Halifax)

So apparently this week was my two year blogoversary? I am not sure how that happened, it kind of snuck up on me, but my lil' ol' blog just turned two! I can't believe that much time has passed. I have been occupying this space on the internet for two whole years. Boy oh boy what a crazy two years it has been. I started off blogging while living in Halifax and doing my internship. Then we moved back in with my parents here in Hamilton. We stayed there for almost a year and then last summer we moved to Colin's dad's house. Then this past winter we moved into our own place again (finally!). Since this blog started I have lost my grandpa, my family's loyal protector Pepper, my baby rabbit Luna, and our kitty Sable. In the last year we have also gained our little rascal Cloud, a place to call our own, and my career is starting to turn in the right direction. The last two years have definitely had their ups and downs, and Ia m really glad that I have had all of you to share it with. I have really enjoyed blogging about my style, sewing projects, body positivity and whatever else floats my boat.

Looking back at older posts I have definitely grown a lot, and in more ways than one. My photography has improved, I have found my own sense of style, I have mostly stopped shopping at chain stores and make or thrift most of my clothes now, thanks to this my sewing skills have improved too. I don't think I have ever regretted starting this blog and for the most part it has been an extremely positive experience. At the beginning I tried to regulate this space too much, but I think I have found a routine that works for me. Blog what I want when I want, lol! And don't worry your pretty little heads, I don't plan on quitting anytime soon and I would sure love it if all of you lovely folks would stick around for the ride. Thanks for all of your support and kind words over the last two years, hears to another 2∞ years!