
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Bridges & Balloons

What I Wore:
Shirt: Old Navy
Sweater: Asos Curve
Pants: Joe Fresh
Shoes: Ardene
Brooch: Clothing Swap

I really like the combination of denim and stripes here, I usually go for a darker wash denim for pants but the lighter blue looks good in shirts. I have been wearing this sweater a lot this winter, it doesn't look very warm, but it is actually pretty cozy. It works well for layering, plus the heart patches are just too cute. I am a real sucker for cute. My hot air balloon brooch is also very cute, I got that from the clothing swap I attended in December. This one lady brought in a whole bunch of brooches and I pretty much cleaned her out, they were all so great. I didn't leave the house the day I was wearing this, that's why I am not wearing weather appropriate shoes. It has been sooooooo freakin' cold here every day is a million layer, double pants kind of day. Nothing else to report really. If you haven't checked out my Etsy shop yet I encourage you to take a look :D

Friday 24 January 2014

Postcard Perfect

What I Wore:
Sweater: Clothing Swap
Shirt/neck tie: Made by me (McCall's Pattern)
Skirt: Made by me (no pattern)
Leggings: Suzy Shier
Socks: Spring
Shoes: Golden Ponies

*Drumroll* I am pleased to unveil my new outfit photography backdrop. I still have to move a few things out of the way in order to use it, but it is definitely worth it. I bought two curtain panels from work and I had to shorten this one to fit in the window. I used the excess fabric to make the two smaller cushions, and I shortened the second panel to make the bench cushion. I think I am going to use the other panel in the living room once the weather warms up. We had to hang a blanket in there for the time eing just to cut down on the draught (old house problems).

I am also really excited to announce that I made my first Etsy sale yesterday! I have been working away on it and am so excited. Thanks so much Lucy :D  

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Smashing Skirts

Drum roll please! I am extremely excited to announce that I have opened and Etsy shop called Smashing Skirts. I have been keeping this one under my cap for a while, but I wanted to get it looking just right before I made the big announcement. For those of you who are curios in my shop I will be selling retro inspired custom made skirts for any size, all you need to do is pick a fabulous pattern and send me your measurements! I tried to pick some fun fabrics to start out with, hopefully there is something for everyone. Feel free to mosey on over and take a look, you can get to the site by clicking the Smashing Skirts  tab at the top of the page, or by clicking the link in this post. I look forward to getting a visit from all of you in the near future :)

Thursday 9 January 2014

Double The Patches, Double The Fun

What I Wore:
Shirt: Thrifted
Sweater: Clothing swapped (elbow patches are a DIY)
Jeans: Zellers (patches added as a DIY)
Shoes: LeBunny Bleu

Yay, first pictures in the new place! Yesterday I finally finished setting up the area I really wanted to use for outfit posts, and took some pictures yesterday so expect those soon.

I got this sweater at the clothing swap I attended just after we moved, but I felt like it needed a little something extra so I added some suede elbow patches. I have always really liked the studious professor look, haha. I wasn't sure if it would be too much to wear two items of clothing with patches together, but I think it kind of worked in this case. The sweater is very warm and cozy, perfect for the ridiculously cold (-39 C!) weather we have been having here lately. I feel like I am forever hunting in my closet for the warmest thing possible to wear, every day is a double pants kind of day haha! I think I also caught a cold from the weather, it is pretty draughty in our new place (the curse of old houses), and there is no insulation at work so it was a bit of a double whammy. I am happy to say that I am feeling a little better today after sitting around drinking loads of tea. Thankfully the weather is supposed to warm up a bit by the weekend, I'm not sure how much more of the frigid temperatures I can take. I did get a lot of sweet sweaters at that clothing swap to tide me over though :D

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Broken Record

What I Wore:
Button Up: Zellers
Sweater: Old Navy
Pants: Asos
Shoes: LeBunny Bleu

Believe it or not this is the last outfit post from the old house *cry cry* I actually took my first set of outfit pictures in the new place today! I have the perfect spot planned out in my head for once everything is actually unpacked and set up, but for now the location I used today will have to do. I am pleased that things are finally starting to come together day by day, I really can't stand living in chaos. It wasn't that bad I guess because we unpacked the main areas within the first three days, but our bedroom was pretty ridiculous until within the last week. The holidays really did a number on the amount of time we had to properly unpack. I feel like all I have talked about on here for the last forever is moving and unpacking, and I do apologize, but it has kind of taken over my life haha! I feel like a broken record all the time. I have more time off now so I can hunker down and get shit done and then I will never talk about it again :D 

Did everybody have a nice holiday season? We spent everyday from Dec. 23rd - Jan. 1st doing something holiday related. It was a little crazy and tiring, but I totally loved seeing all my family and friends, that's what it's all about after all :)