
Sunday 30 June 2013

How To Be A Fat Bitch e-course #9: Haters Gonna Hate

*I skipped Weeks 7 and 8 for now but I am working on them slowly*


Surround yourself with fat positive people and things! I make a point of doing this and it can be difficult to let go of a friend or TV show but if they make hateful comments about you or someone else and are not supportive, it's time to say goodbye. Make a list of 5 friends, activities, TV shows, books, websites, etc. that are fat positive. Blog it, Instagram it, Tweet it (#fatbitchecourse, #nearsightedowl), etc. and share it in the comments below.


For the most part, I ignore the haters. I usually avoid comments on articles, forums, etc. But occasionally when I am in the right mindset, I read a few comments and they end up motivating me. Probably the opposite of their intent. How do you handle the haters? I would recommend not reading their comments. They are gross.

Generally I try to avoid reading comments because they are just going to make me angry. When I do read them, at first I get mad, but then I realize that the person making that comment is probably insecure about their own appearance and feels the need to take it out on others. I tend not to leave my own comment unless it is something that I feel very passionate about and can make a meaningful contribution to. 

Friday 28 June 2013

Pop Art Princess

What I Wore: 
Dress: Purchased from Erin aka Zero Style (ASOS originally)
Shoes: DIY from this post

I kind of feel like I am wearing a comic book in this outfit. Something about the white piping on the dress and the Archie comic shoes makes me feel like I just stepped straight out of those inked pages. I bought this lovely dress from Erin over at Zero Style a few weeks ago and I am so happy that is fit perfectly. I am always a little weary about buying things online because you can never be 100% sure that it is going to fit. So far I have lucked out with all of my online purchases, but you still never know until the item arrives. Anyway, this dress is really cute and I am glad that I talked myself into buying it. The pipping forming the faux peter pan collar is a really nice touch. I also had no idea that it had pockets until I washed it inside out and spotted to pocket bags. I love it when there are hidden pockets in things.

Today we are going down to the Hamilton waterfront to check out the tall ships sailing in. You may remember that last summer Colin and I went to see the tall ships while they were docked in Halifax. Unfortunately last time we didn't get to see them sailing in, so this will be a whole new experience. I hope you all have a wonderful Canada Day weekend (to those of you in Canada anyway, otherwise happy Independence day)!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Sailor Shorts & All Things Nautical

What I Wore:
Shirt: Thrifted (Value Village)
Shorts: Made by me (Kwik Sew K3854)
Shoes: c/o B.A.I.T via Cut Out + Keep
Earrings: Target

I picked up the pattern for these awesome sailor shorts on Friday while out with a friend and I made them up over the weekend. I first saw the pattern when I was at the Creative Festival with my Aunt and sister at the end of April. I wanted to buy it then,but I had already spent my budget for the show and I figured I would come across it again eventually. Myfriend swears by Kwik Sew patterns and she informed me that they sell them at Nova on Ottawa St. Of course this meant we had to take a trip out there, and it gave us an excuse to check out the new Target, which I mentioned on Monday.

Making these shorts was my first experience using a Kwik Sew pattern and I am really happy with the results. I made the XL,but I think next time I will go with the L because I ended up taking them in quite a bit. You can never be too sure what size to go with the first time you use a new pattern company. Other than having to take them in a bit, the pattern went together really quickly and easily. The instructions were very straight forward and I rarely argued with them, haha (I have a bad habit of doing that, or ignoring them and doing things my own way). The butt is a little shovel-butty but it's not so bad that they are unwearable. It's also the style, so  I can forgive it. I love how the front turned out, anything with a fall front is pretty amazing. Makes me feel like I am wearing breeches, heh. And now I am rambling, anyway I will probably be wearing these shorts a lot this summer because it is already a scorcher and the weather is not promising to let up. That's all for today folks :)

Monday 24 June 2013

Hi-Low Mullet Dress

What I Wore:
Dress: Made by me (McCall's M6504)
Belt: Bealls
Shoes: Target

Before I bought the pattern for this dress I was really not sure how I felt about hi-low dresses, or mullet dresses as my sister affectionately calls them. Taking a closer look at the McCall's pattern I determined that this one might not be as mullety because there is more of a gradual transition between the short front and long back. I am pretty sure I just don't like the ones that have a really abrupt change, it just doesn't look right. I am really glad that I put my reservations aside and bough the pattern though (for $2 no less) because I am in love with how it turned out! I have had this fabric since Christmas and wasn't really sure what to do with it, but when I got the pattern home and dug through my stash I thought they paired perfectly together. I love the print (it has little lady bugs and bumblebees and flowers on it) and it so lightweight and summery. Overall the dress is great and I am going to be wearing the heck out of it this summer.

Can we also talk about how awesome these shoes are? I found them on  Friday while visiting the local Target for the first time since it opened. I spotted them in the clearance section and got really excited because I have been looking for some flatform sandals for a while. I am not usually into tall shoes, but flatforms are a lot easier to walk in and are usually pretty comfy. Plus these ones looked pretty retro inspired. My heart sank a bit when I saw that they only had two pairs left, size 6 or size 10. For $9 I decided to take a risk and try on the 10 (I usually wear a 9) and they fit like a dream! When I brought them home and saw how well they paired with the dress I just finished I got even more excited. Friday was just a great day in general. I also bought a pattern for some sailor shorts (view B not view A because those are pretty awful unless done just right) that I finished yesterday and I am really excited to share with you. Let's hope the rest of the week goes as well as the last one did. Happy Monday!

P.S. I apologize for my absolutely massive hair, it was really humid on the weekend.

Friday 21 June 2013

Mint & Coral Attraction

What I Wore:
Dress: Wal Mart (blagh)
Belt: Bealls
Shoes: Ardene
Sunnies: Universal Studios Orlando

That's funny, I didn't realize I was wearing two items from tourist attractions until I typed this up. I got the sunglasses on our trip to Florida in February, and my necklace two years ago (holy crap has it been that long!) when we went out East for my graduation from Dalhousie University. My belt was also purchased during our Florida trip, man I got way too many things from that store. I wish there was a Bealls in Canada, they had some really great stuff at great prices. Geez, I sound like and advertisement.  

Last year I probably would not have been caught dead wearing a dress this short. I mean it's not really that much shorter than some of the shorts I have, but it just seems sooooo revealing. You can see my legs in all their cellulite covered glory. But you know what, I don't really care. My legs are glorious and that's that. The only other problem with this dress is that it's from Wal Mart. I don't really like shopping there, but it was very cute and $9 so I couldn't resist.

Got a great day planned today. I am going shopping with a friend  on Ottawa St. and we are hopping to find a certain pattern to make some sailor shorts. Then we are going to check out the new Target. I hope it is a sweet here as the few I have been to in the states. Happy Friday!!!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Poodle Skirt Chic

Slightly bouffant ponytail

My best pin up face (bordering on duck face) 
What I Wore:
Dress (worn as a shirt): Made by me (no pattern)
Skirt: Thrifted
Shoes: Thrifted (Talize)
Earrings: Target

When I got this skirt I thought it would look great with my stripey sailor dress as a top. I wasn't sure if it would work because it would have been weird if the skirt part was sticking out at the bottom. Luckily it was the perfect length! It also felt neat having two layers of skirt, kind of like wearing a petticoat, it was so nice and full. I think I need to get a real petticoat to wear because it was a lot of fun, I imagine that is how a real 50s lady must have felt like. It is kind of sad how certain fashion staples of old have fallen by the wayside, younger generations can easily miss out on some great looks and styles. I definitely felt like I should have been sitting in a malt shop sipping a soda while wearing this get up (hence the pin up style photo shoot). A couple of people even commented to me that my skirt reminded them of a poodle skirt. If I had been wearing my saddle shoes it would have really set off the look, oh well next time.    

Today should be a good day. I have to work and then Colin and I are going over to our friends' house for D&D (yup I'm a nerd). We played a couple campaigns when we lived in Halifax, but this is our first Hamilton group. We started playing a few weeks ago and it has been super fun so far,definitely looking forward to that tonight. Hope you are all having a lovely Wednesday!

Monday 17 June 2013

Goobye Google Reader, Hello Bloglovin'


Hey guys,
I just wanted to post a quick reminder that in two weeks Google Reader will no longer exist, which means if you follow this blog via Google Friend Connect you won't be able to check on it as easily. I would be very sad if you no longer read my blog, luckily there are some alternatives! I highly recommend that you switch over the blogs you follow to Bloglovin'. It is a pretty sweet tool, I have been using it for quite some time now and I find it easier and faster than Google Reader. There are a couple of great tutorials on how to switch the blogs you follow over to Bloglovin'. Here is one for GFC, and one for RSS feeds. They are both very straight forward. That's about it, feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment if you have any questions. You can also follow me on Tumblr here if you prefer not to get Bloglovin'.

If this doesn't entice you to follow me I don't know what will.

Bunnies, Mushrooms and Birdies

What I Wore:
Dress: Made by me (no pattern)
Belt: From my sister
Socks: Christmas present from a few years ago
Shoes: c/o B.A.I.T via Cut Out + Keep

I am really excited to be able to wear this dress without a sweater because the print is so cute and I love to show it off! The fabric is also 100% cotton and super soft and a nice weight for summer (although it will transition into fall nicely too). I am also happy that these socks matched the red of the dress because I really wanted to wear the two together. It's kind of a hard red to match and if they didn't match it would have looked off.

Last night we saw Man of Steel and it was pretty darn good. Usually I am excited for superhero movies, but there have been so many Superman ones it is kind of old hat and that's why I wasn't that into seeing it. the movie didn't even really cross my radar in fact, but some friends of ours kind of talked us into it and it was well worth it. There were a few rushed parts near the end where parts of the story were kind of squeezed in, but the  majority of the plot, the acting, and the cinematography was pretty amazing. I definitely recommend it if you are looking for a good movie to see this week. Not much else going on around here, I hope you are all having a happy Monday so far.

P.S. I am not sure why these pictures look blurry on here, when I was editing them on my computer they looked fine but as soon as I uploaded them on here they got blurry. I have to use an image re-sizer because you can only put a certain size of pictures up without them taking up too much space on your blog account, and I am wondering if this is messing with the quality a bit. Anyway, I apologize for the slight blurriness. If you want to see slightly better versions check out my tumblr blog.

Friday 14 June 2013

Vintage Stars

What I Wore:
Shirt: Made by me (Simplicity 1692)
Skirt: Smart Set
Shoes: Payless 
Belt: Bealls

This shirt didn't turn out as awesomely as I wanted it to, but I love the print and the buttons on the shoulders so I am trying to make it work. It's also deliciously vintage in style and goes really well with my lovely saddle shoes. Yes I said deliciously vintage, it seemed right. I was just looking at the  pattern online to put the link on here and I noticed that my hair is kind of the same as the woman wearing the shirt I made on the cover, oops! That's kind of funny, what a weird coincidence. Please excuse the wrinkles, I wore this to work and it was a very busy day so I got a little disheveled. I am still happy that I went through the trouble of getting them when we were in Florida because I wear them all the time and they are comfortable for work.

Not much going on today and not much else to say. I am really looking forward to a day off tomorrow because this has been a pretty craaazy week. I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday!

Wednesday 12 June 2013

I'll Fly Away

What I Wore:
Shirt: Made by Me (Simplicity 1693)
Skirt: Thirfted
Socks: Ardene
Shoes: Ardene

I really love how this shirt turned out. I lusted after this fabric at work for a looooong time before I actually broke down and bought it. I started working on it almost immediately (it took precedence over other projects because it is just that cute) and finished it in record time. I found the heart button that I used at the back in my stash, but sadly I only had the one. I found the other buttons at work and thought they were a pretty good match. I tried putting the one heart one at the top of the three on the front of the shirt but it didn't quite work. Then I tested it on the back and I thought that was better so that's where it lives now. I am glad I found a home for it, I think it came from Colin's grandma's stash but I am not 100% sure. I have way too many buttons and my fabric stash is growing a lot now too. The life of a sewing addict.

Back to Monday's post, you can kind of see the red more in my hair in these shots, I think it really does depend on the lighting. I am liking the colour a bit more now, but I still think next time I would like it to be a bit brighter. Big day ahead of me today (a big week in general) so I better get crackalackin'. Happy Wednesday!