
Monday 29 October 2012

Pumpkin Carving

What I Wore:
Shirt: Smart Set
Dress: Old Navy
Belt: Fairweather
Tights: Dollorama
Shoes: Blowfish

Lately I don't have too much to say in posts. I feel like I have been working or loafing around the house with not much else in between. In Halifax there was always something to do so I was not at a loss for words for posts, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Maybe I should start hunting for things to do in my free time so reading this blog doesn't become to boring, haha. 

Yesterday I had the day off so we carved our pumpkins (finally). My sister Colin and I each chose a character from Super Mario. Unfortunately it was too rainy today to take a picture of them outside, but I will try to get one at some point this week. Here are some pictures of us carving them. 

Colin working in his pumpkin

My sister's pumpkin design (it's a goomba)

My Toad pumpkin

The finished products

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Ruffles and Dots


What I Wore:
Dress: Zellers
Sweater: Zellers
Tights: Walmart
Shoes: Blowfish
Broach: Handmade somewhere in NS
Size: 14

Yay! It's link up time again! Well, it's actually tomorrow but I normally don't post on Thursdays so I usually do it a day ahead. I encourage you to check out Rachele's  blog tomorrow for some lovely ladies (and a very few gents, there need to be more dudes participating in this) who are also participating in I'm Proud Of My Size. It would be awesome if new people joined up every week and kept on spreading the word, this is such a great project to be part of.   

I would also like to introduce you to my friend Heather's Etsy shop! She just started it a few weeks ago and she makes the cutest purses and clutches ever! Yay exclamation points! I met Heather when I was studying Costume Studies at Dalhousie. She has a great eye for detail and is an amazing seamstress (totally outdoes me, haha). If you are thinking of purchasing one of her bags you will not be disappointed, you have the Hope guarantee. I have been eyeing the Victorian Foldover Purse to add to my collection.

                                                                     Victorian Foldover Purse

Monday 22 October 2012

Trail Blazer

What I Wore:
Jacket: Thrifted
Dress: Smart Set
Cami: Suzy Shier
Tights: Ardene ???
Shoes: Ardene
Necklace: Gift from Colin

I spent my weekend (Friday and Saturday since those were the two days I had off last week) just relaxing, which was probably a good thing since Sunday was a ridiculously busy at work. We didn't even have time to clean up from the day before and there customers in the store already. I had today off too, I needed it to recover haha. It has been jacket weather here for a while now but it was exceptionally warm today so I thought it was a good day to test out this blazer. It wouldn't fit under my fall jacket but it is fine on its own or under a heavier coat, so it needs to be just right to wear it. I had a few errands to run today and it was the perfect temperature to wear the blazer on its own. I had some new tights on with this dress but they just weren't doing it for me so I was happy when I remembered these hounds-tooth ones, which ended up working a lot better.

I am having a bit of a dilemma at the moment. I have been receiving a lot of spam comments on one of my older posts and it has become a bit of a nuisance. I am not sure why that particular post has been attracting spam, but I keep having to mark the comments as spam and delete them. The problem is some of my readers have mentioned that they cannot leave comments when the CAPTCHA software is enabled, so I turned that off. If I turn it on again I won't get any more spam messages, but I also might miss out on legitimate comments as well. Any suggestions?

Friday 19 October 2012

Rainy Day Blues

What I Wore:
Shirt: Suzy Shier
Skirt: Smart Set
Cardigan: Smart Set
Socks: ???
Tights: Dollarama
Necklace: Gift from Colin's sister

In case you were wondering I was wearing shoes today but they got a little wet in the rain and I didn't want to wear them upstairs. There is a change of venue in the pictures because we are at Colin's dad's house this weekend. I feel like I keep saying I have nothing to talk about recently, but honestly there is nothing exciting going on. I have settled in to a bit of a routine now (which I like, I like having a set routine) but that means there is nothing new to share on here.

I am a little sad right now because Halloween is less than two weeks away and as of right now we have no plans. Halloween is my absolute favourite holiday. I loved dressing up as a kid (big surprise right?) and I apparently used to ask my mum and dad as soon as it was over when the next Halloween would be. I would always have my costume planned months in advance and would go all out finding the right pieces for it. Trick-or-Treating was also super fun and I am not ashamed to admit that I actually did it until University. I figured as long as I made an effort with my costume there was nothing wrong with that. I always thought kids who threw on a mask were totally copping out. This year I have no planned costume and I have no idea what I am going to do that night. I have a few possible costume ideas, but I don't really want to spend any money if I am not going to be wearing it somewhere. It is a sad dilemma. Maybe we'll just hand out candy and I will fall back onto the old corset/pirate costume standby. Do other people have exciting plans for Halloween this year? At least we still have some pumpkins to carve, that is always a good time.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Red Ruffled Collar

What I Wore:
Dress: Old Navy
Sweater: Smart Set
Shoes: Spring
Tights: Dollorama
Size: 14

I love the collar, colour, and tie on this dress! I got it about a week ago but was saving it for a special occasion. more special than work anyway. We went out to dinner with my grandparents' tonight. They live in Windsor so we don't get to see them that often. I thought it would be fun to wear something nice. In anticipation for I Am Proud Of My Size tomorrow I am going to add the link in today. Not much to say on the subject this week, but I am very happy to be able to participate in something like this. I wish I had found such body positive blogs when I was in middle school and high school, it would have made my teen years a lot easier to get through. I am sure that Rachele's words have inspired others as well.

On the weekend we went to visit my uncle in Toronto. Him and his family lived in Beijing for a long time and we only got to see them at Christmas, so it is nice to be able to visit them more often. We went for a walk in Sherwood park and I got to take some great "changing of the leaves" pictures, it was such a beautiful day. I also found a cell phone on one of the trails. It is the same kind that I have so I brought it home and charged it up and figured out who it belonged to. It has been a bit of an ordeal contacting them, but I am happy to say that they have responded to my messages and the phone is in the mail and on its way back to the owner. I lost my old phone last Christmas and it was a horrible experience, I would have been happy if someone had found it and returned it. It costs so much to cancel your plan or buy a new phone, it is kind of ridiculous. Luckily a friend of mine was nice enough to send me their old phone and I used that until my cell phone provider sent me a new phone (for free!). Anyway, that was a long rambling story so as a reward for sticking around here are some pictures from our walk in the woods.

My Uncle's Dog Christie

Friday 12 October 2012

Covered Buttons

What I Wore:
Shirt: Smart Set
Skirt: Smart Set
Tights: Dollar Store (sounds crazy,  but they have good tights!)
Shoes: Ardenes
Size: 14

It has been ages since I did a post, and that is because I have been sickly for the last week and have not changed out of my pyjamas. I should really start taking pictures everyday so that I have backup posts for situations like this, but it seems weird to me to post outfits days after I have worn them. It's something that I am going to have to get used to though if I want to have guaranteed posts three times a week. 

It's I Am Proud Of My Size link up time again! I want to touch on a very personal topic this week. I have a very round stomach and occasionally people have asked me "So when are you due?" I tend to respond with "Oh, I'm not pregnant." and any further interactions becomes very awkward and brief. Usually this occurs at work, so I have to talk to them until they are done making their purchase, and then they leave. This type of comment used to make me feel really horrible about myself, like there was something wrong with my body. Recently however I have realized that this is not in fact the case, and that the people asking that question are being kind of rude. I mean really, who does that? Who asks a perfect stranger if they are pregnant? That's not the kind of thing that should be done in polite society. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with my body, that's just how it looks and I have learned to accept this fact. I may not always love it, but I accept it. It's all just part of my ongoing journey of self acceptance and I have to take it a day at a time. 

Work has been going well so far. I am picking up on all the things I have to remember and I have been making fewer mistakes. It think the hardest part is going to be remembering everything that is on sale because there are sales all the time. I have seen a lot of fabric that I really want to buy and it has been inspiring me to work on some more sewing projects. I have decided to try and buy less clothing and make more of it instead, especially since I have the means to do so. I can also customize things more this way, which is really nice. Expect to see more handmade creations on here in the future! 

Saturday 6 October 2012

Keepin' It Brief

I really like this picture for some reason.

What I Wore:
Shirt: H&M
Skirt: Smart Set
Tigths: Clothing Swapped
Belt: Fairweather
Shoes: Ardenes
Size: 14

I really wanted to post this a lot earlier in the day, but we had our internet switched over today and it took longer than expected. We had to set it up on our computers and consoles and finally set up Netflix (which I bought for my parents LAST Christmas) which took some time. Better late than never right? 

I am experiencing a huge case of writer's block right now. Not that I normally have a lot to say anyway, but today there is nothing banging around in my head. All I can say is check out Rachele's blog and hopefully some of you will be as inspired as I am by her words.  

P.S. Happy 50th post! I hope I can keep going for many more to come. 

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Hidden Sparkle

What I Wore:
Shirt: Zellers
Skirt: Smart Set
Tights: H&M
Shoes: Spring

So this shirt actually has sequins on the shoulders, but it is really hard to tell from the angle. I tested out my new tripod (a birthday gift from Colin) tonight with these pictures, and I am pretty pleased with how they turned out. It was really hard to get good back shots for some reason, but I got the hang of it after a few test rounds. I really like these tights, I got them with the heart ones I wore last week. The only problem is today is the first time I have worn them and they already have some small holes. I didn't even snag them on anything at work, they just kind of appeared after a few hours of wear. I put some clear nail polish on it as soon as I got home, so hopefully they don't expand too much and I can wear these puppies again. 

Work is really kicking my butt. Yesterday was a little rough considering I didn't really know anything about prices and sale items, but I think I am getting the hang of it after today. My body however is not as happy, I feel like an old lady after standing all day. I am hoping that this is only temporary due to my sedentary lifestyle last month, and after a few weeks it won't be as bad. Other than that I am really enjoying it so far. I love problem solving with people, helping them find fabric, and seeing what everyone is working on. It's also close to Halloween, my favourite holiday by the by, and I get to see what costumes people are making.  I have heard/seen some pretty exciting ideas after just two days on the floor.This one lady is going to make a carrot suit for her daughter! She had a metal stand that I think is used in gardening (for the plants to grow up around) and she is covering it with this orange felt, I think it is going to be awesome. 

Not much else going on around here. I am looking forward to having a few days off to recuperate, and Thanksgiving is Monday so that should be good too! 

Monday 1 October 2012

Wicked Work

What I Wore:
Shirt: Suzy Shier
Pants: Mark's Work Warehouse
Shoes: Spring
Necklace: Gift from Colin

First off I would like to say that I full intended on participating in 25 Things Fat People Shouldn't Do this week, I even had a plan to go out and take the pictures on Sunday. But then I got sick, and it was more important to stay home and rest up. Why you ask? Well, it's because I have been keeping a secret for about two weeks now. I got a job! I had the interview about two weeks ago, but I didn't want to mention anything until I actually had a shift. I started today and I wanted to be at the top of my game for my first day. Of course the sickness, and the cat dumping a glass of water on my head at 6am made this nearly impossible. Somehow I still managed to truck on through the day, which was spent reading through a Workers Health and Safety manual and filling out an answer workbook. I haven't told you the best part yet though, I am working in a fabric store! I am actually really excited about this, and I hope that as the days go by I pick up on the job quickly so that I can be a good employee. 

I may be able to fit in the 25 Things Fat People Shouldn't Do post later this week since the posting is open until all the items on the list have been crossed off by Jes. It all depends on how much time I have/how tired I am because I am working a lot this week after not working for a month. I hope you all had just as happy a Monday as I did!