
Monday 30 July 2012

Nerd Pride

What I Wore:
Shirt: Suzy Shier
Vest: Smart Set
Pants: Zellers
Shoes: Spring
Earrings: I honestly can't remember even though I racked my brain 

The cat we are watching decided he wanted in on the my outfit pictures again today. He may look less than pleased in the shots, but I swear he wanted to be there, honest. I really enjoy earrings where each one is slightly different, but they are still meant to be a set. I have a couple other pairs that will probably make their way onto this blog at some point.

Saturday Colin and I meandered down the street to check out the Pride Parade. We left lots of time to get there, but it was still packed when we arrived. We snagged a pretty decent spot on the corner, but people kind of crowded in front of us and the barriers as the parade went on so the pictures I was taking near the end are full of people. It was quite warm out and poor Colin got a sunburn (even though he was wearing sunblock), but I managed to escape with a light tan. The turnout was amazing, I am glad that the LGBTQ community here has so much support. Especially after what happened here in April to Raymond Taavel. That attack could have been prevented too, which just makes it that much worse. 

On a brighter note the parade was a blast and I would like to share some photos from it with you.

The crowd

First float (there had to be a man in an orange speedo)

Drag Queen Love 

Nerd Pride (they even had a sign that said that)

This was super cool 

I will leave you with that. Happy Monday everyone! I hope you have a great week. 

Friday 27 July 2012

Bright Tights Big City

What I Wore:
Dress: Clothing swap
Tights: Clothing swap
Shoes: Random store in Burlington Mall
Size: 14

It's time for another I'm Proud Of My Size linkup brought to you by the lovely Rachele over at The Nearsighted Owl. Reading her blog and participating in this link up has really been an inspiration for me, it has really helped me to accept and love my body the way it is. I have had a lot of body image issues since middle school, but since I started blogging I have finally started to overcome those issues. So thank you to Rachele and all the other link up participants, you have been such an inspiration to me.

This week is Pride Week in Halifax and I plan on heading out the parade tomorrow. I haven't been to one in a long time, not since at least five years ago in Toronto. I was part of the gay-straight alliance at my high school, but I am ashamed to say I haven't really been actively involved since I started university. I went to a few pride events in first year, but not much since then. I think equality for all people is a very important issue and it hits very close to home. My parents are an interracial couple and as a child I suffered some discrimination because of this. It was never dangerous or scary in anyway, but it was disappointing, it made me lose some faith in my fellow humans. I am very glad to have such an open minded family and they have helped me to see the good in others. I don't think anyone should be discriminated against for any reason, not their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. I don't identify as gay, but I have several close friends who do and I have always tried to be very supportive of them. This was kind of a rambling post, but my point is I would like to continue to show my support to the LGBTQ community by going out to the parade tomorrow.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Belted Bliss

What I Wore:
Shirt: Zellers
Skirt: Smart Set
Shoes: Some store in Burlington Mall
Belt: Thrifted
Necklace: Hopewell rocks in New Brunswick

Yesterday it was super windy and storming in Shelburne and my finger got slammed in the door at the museum. It got all swollen and puffy, I bruise like a peach. It is making it rather hard to type to be honest. Other than that there is nothing new around here, busy with work and site visits. We only have one more photography visit left this summer. I can't believe this summer has gone by so quickly! Only three full weeks left of my placement, yikes. I definitely need to buckle down on job hunting. Ha, get it buckle down, I'm wearing a belt...hurrr bad joke.

I have a confession to make, I am addicted to Pokemon. I never really cared for the show as a child, and I used to babysit this kid who would force me to watch episodes with him. I think I have issues with not seeing shows from the beginning But a few weeks ago Colin decided to re-watch the show and I have really gotten into it. The stories are really heartwarming, and the Pokemon are really cute. I have also started paying the Gameboy colour game and it is really addicting.

Monday 23 July 2012

Tall Ships

I am currently away on a site visit in Shelburne, NS so there will be no outfit post today. But I do have some pictures from Tall Ships over the weekend to share with you.

Apparently there was a ship that was used in the filming of Pirate's of the Caribbean but I did not notice this at the time, which makes me sad. 

I will try to keep on updating Monday Wednesday Friday a this was my undeclared goal, but it might not always be an outfit post depending on what else is going on. Stay tuned! 

Friday 20 July 2012

Bows Ahoy

What I Wore:
Caedi: Reitman's
Shirt: Jacob
Pants: Zellers
Shoes: Spring
Headband: Shoppers

It was a bow abundant day today apparently. It was one of those mornings where I looked in my closet and could not decide what to wear. But I saw this shirt and thought I hadn't worn it in a while, so why not. Of course I had to wear a bow in my hair like the ladies on my shirt, and the shoes just kind of snuck in there. Too many bows, I think not.

There was much rejoicing today as I have completed and mailed my final research project for school! I tried to do some jumping shots in celebration, they were super fun to take pictures of but my face looked really weird in all of them.  I will try those again at some point. It dawned on me today me that that was the last major project I will most likely ever do for school as I don't plan on going back any time soon (maybe in the distant future, but that's a big maybe). That's a pretty big milestone, I guess I have to start being a grown up soon, blagh.

It's a big weekend here in Halifax, the Tall Ships are in! I definitely plan on going down and taking at look at them over the weekend. Of course I also plan on taking a lot of pictures. I could have gone after work today but I had to go and mail my research project. Anyway, it is shaping up to be a great weekend, I hope you all have fun too! 

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Hot Hot Heat

It's too hot! There is no A/C at work or in my apartment and I am melting. I feel bad for anyone who has to work outside or for our furry friends. There are no outfit pictures today because it is disgusting outside and I threw on some cool and not so stylish clothes. I will however post some more pictures from my trip last week, this time from Digby. Enjoy!

Also, stay cool out there folks, don't melt on me.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Harley Quinn Romance

What I Wore:
Dress: Thrifted
Tights: I actually can't remember
Shoes: Spring
Broach: Handcrafted from a convention

I have been a fan of Harley Quinn since I saw this scary Batman cartoon Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. I just realized how old I was when it came out and I should not have been as freaked out as I was, but damn Mark Hammill voices a scary Joker. Anyway, Harley Quinn is awesome so when I saw this broach at Fan Expo a few years ago I just had to have it. I also got a cute one of Chi from Chobits. I also love these tights, zebra print is one of my favourites (if you hadn't noticed already I own a lot of black and white clothes).

I would like to share a few of my favourite shots from my trip last week with you here. The first set is from where I stayed on the first night in, A Seafaring Maiden, in Granville Ferry NS.

I will share some more pictures from Digby in my next post. Until then, enjoy! 

Monday 16 July 2012

Turf and Surf

What I Wore:
Top: Thrifted
Pants: OldNavy
Shoes: Blowfish
Size: 14

What I Wore:
Bathing Suit: ModCloth 
Sunglasses: Metro
Size: XL

I am participating in Rachele's "I'm Proud of My Size" link up from the blog The Nearsighted Owl again this week. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, you should because it is amazing and very inspirational. 

This is pretty scary for me since I have never displayed a picture of myself in a bathing suit anywhere ever, let alone online, so here goes. I think it looks pretty great and am really pleased with the fit. It was totally worth the price tag, I just hope it lasts a long time (I am hard on bathing suits, the butts always get saggy after one season of use).

These pictures are from yesterday. My friend invited Colin and I out for a swim in Chocolate Lake and some food at her place afterwards. It has been hot here lately, so it was a little discouraging to step outside to a cool breeze when we really wanted to go swimming. Normally I wouldn't want it to be hot but I was dying to try out my new suit! However once we got to the lake it was actually pretty warm and perfect for a nice dip. Colin and I slathered  sprayed on the sun screen and waddled in. We had a great time hanging out with our friend, just splashing around. Afterwards we went to her house for a delicious almond and cranberry spinach salad (with homemade dressing) and some decadent sandwiches. Of course we brought ice cream for dessert. All in all it was a pretty great day, and I hope we get out to the lake again before the end of the summer.

I am going to have some extra posts this week to make up for missing two last week, so stay tuned.

*Edit* The cat in the first picture is named Jack and we are cat sitting him for a few weeks for a friend. I forgot to add that in before I published this.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Lots of Polka Dots

What I Wore: 
Shirt: Some random store in Jackson Square
Skirt: Smart Set
Shoes: Spring
Size: 14

I would just like to say that I love the new shoes I just bought from Spring. I intended to buy some sandals, and ended up with those instead. They are super cute and worked well with my outfit today.  

I am participating in The Nearsighted Owl's I'm Proud of My Size link-up again this week. Better late than never. 

You may have noticed that there was no post yesterday. That is because I did not leave the house and stayed in my jimberjams all day. I spent some time applying for jobs and doing chores, and of course relaxing. I had the day off due to working on Saturday. My photographer aka Colin was also at work until midnight, so that was another reason. This week is going to be a bit hectic because I have to travel from Wednesday to Friday for work. I will attempt to get some more posts in, but it may not happen.

A little while ago I entered a give away on Sophie's blog from a guest blogger Kirsty Helen, and I won! You should check out the giveaway, it is pretty sweet. Kirsty Helen is going to write me a poem incorporating three words that I sent to her. The words I gave her are: Costume, History, and Tome. I thought they suited me and kind of fit together. I can't wait to see what she will write!

Not much else going on around here, I will try to do some more posts this week time permitting. 

Friday 6 July 2012

Too Hot To Trot (Seriously)

What I Wore:
Shirt: Smart Set
Vest: Gift from my grandma
Pants: Zellers
Shoes: Spring
Hair bow: Forever 21 

Seriously it was just too hot to trot today. The weather network lied to me. It said it was supposed to be cooler today (20 degrees) and raining. I chose to wear pants. That was a poor choice. It also gets ridiculously hot in the office since there is no air conditioning. The humidity is also making my hair really giant, an added bonus of the warm weather. Anyway, we trucked through it and I have learned to just assume it is going to be hot from now until September. 

I have to work tomorrow, which kind of sucks since it is Saturday and Colin and my 5 year anniversary, but it couldn't be avoided. At least we won't be in the office again, maybe they will have air conditioning where we're going.  I also get Monday off in lieu, so it kind of works out. Colin and I are still planning on doing a fancy dinner somewhere afterwards too. Not sure where we will go yet, we can't decided between a few old favourites or trying something new. Hopefully whatever we choose is delicious.  

Wednesday 4 July 2012


Horizontal stripes

Diagonal stripes

Say what?!

New earrings

What I Wore:
Shirt: Winners
Pants: Zellers
Shoes: ??? somewhere in Burlington Mall
Earrings: Suzy Shear

These pants are perfect for warmer weather. They are super light weight and comfortable. I wore them in early spring when I first got them and let me tell you that was a poor choice, it was a little breezy. But for a day like today they're perfect. The earrings I just bought match this shirt quite well, I was surprised that they went with anything that I owned since I bought them on a bit of a whim.

Somehow I forgot to mention that last Friday I finally went to see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. I can't believe I did not blog about it before because it was amazing. The cinematics were incredible. I was really happy to see that the costumes were very accurate except for this chick's pants. They even had them wearing real bow ties because one side was a point and one side was flat, I was impressed. Some of the story line was altered from the novel, which did bother me a little bit. The screenplay was written by the author of the book though, which always make them stick closer to the original plot. Overall it was fantastic and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is up for some thrills, laughs and good old fashioned entertainment.